Nov 1st – Medway Community Forum on Proposed Zoning Bylaw Amendments

You are invited to attend a Community Forum to learn about proposed amendments to Medway’s Zoning Bylaw that will be considered at the Fall Town Meeting on November 14, 2016.  The forum will be held on Tuesday, November 1, 2016 at the Thayer Homestead, 2B Oak Street in Medway @ 7:00 p.m.

The MBC Board was provided with an overview of the changes and believes that the Town is seeking changes that will overall improve clarity of the zoning bylaws and make some positive changes. Ultimately, we encourage businessowners and residents to understand these changes so that you can make an informed vote at Town Meeting.

The Planning and Economic Development Board has prepared a series of proposed Zoning Bylaw amendments:

  • Establishment of a new Village Residential Zoning district
  • Revisions to the Use Table
  • Revisions to the Dimensional/Density Regulations
  • Addition of new Definitions
  • Changes in allowed hours of operation for a medical marijuana growing and processing facility
  • Changes in the names of several zoning districts

The Community Forum will include a presentation and time for Questions and Answers.

Below are links to the important information you need to know:

Link to complete warrant:

Link to various maps referenced in the warrant:

For more information, please contact Susy Affleck-Childs at 508-533-3291 or

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