Meeting Recap: Photography Tips and Tricks You Can Use
On April 19, Charles River Bank opened its doors to MBC members and guests hungry for networking and knowledge. As always, the Bank was the perfect host – providing a welcoming environment and array of refreshments.
Tim Rice, owner of Tim Rice Photo in Medway and MBC member, provided the knowledge with a fun and informative presentation. Tim shared the story of his long love affair with photography. ‘Every Christmas I would ask for a “real” camera.’ And now he has quite a collection. While most of us can barely figure out how to snap a mediocre photo on our smartphones, Tim has “real” cameras of all shapes, sizes and descriptions – and lenses for every purpose imaginable. He even has a drone, which yields great photos and sometimes a little grief from Friends of Medway Facebookers. His collection underlines his assertion that he is a photographer – not a pet photographer, wedding photographer or portrait photographer, but a photographer.
Tim is well-known for his daily pic and blog – going strong for 2,758th consecutive days. His April 19 collection was taken at the MBC event. Each pic has an associated blog in which Tim talks about the inspiration for and background of the photo. Not that you have to go to the extreme of a pic a day, but Tim encourages photographers who want to improve their skills to take more photos. “If you want to get better, do it more.”
To see Tim’s “more” view his website and visit his studio and gallery on Village Street. Hours are by appointment; just contact Tim to make arrangements. From the studio, Tim offers private and group classes, which he runs a couple of times a month, at a very reasonable rate. Learn about using single lens reflex (SLR) cameras and considerations in purchasing Adobe Lightroom and in setting it up after purchase.
Attendees at the MBC event learned about using drones, including the requirements (FAA permit/license) and laws (hour, height and crowd restrictions). And the differences between taking photos with phones versus cameras. Tim also discussed types of lenses; how to hold the camera; light considerations; and the relationship between ISO (measurement of sensitivity to light), aperture and shutter speed.
In closing, Tim imparted his personal tips for success:
- Get closer
- Shoot more
- Share less
Attendees left the meeting energized and armed with some great information for taking better photos – and the knowledge of who to go to for professional photography services.
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