The Medway Business Council (MBC) works hard to:
- Establish a forum for Medway businesses to exchange ideas, address common interests, and confront local issues while promoting the products and services of MBC members
- Act as a liaison between town government and the business community
- Enhance Medway’s business climate and to establish the business community as an integral and credible part of the town
- Enable the business community to present a united front through networking for common causes and issues affecting Medway businesses
Some of the MBC's many accomplishments include:
- Addressing tax classification, resulting in a reversal of the Town of Medway’s original decision to tax Medway businesses at a 50% higher rate than residences (ongoing annual process)
- Working with the Medway:
- Design Review Committee to ensure sign regulations are easily understood by and practical for businesses of all sizes
- Sign Bylaw Review Task Force, as a representative
- Planning and Economic Development Committee to open communication between businesses and the committee
- Initiating:
- And helping to pass the rezoning of the Route 109 and Route 126 intersection to a commercial zone
- Original development of Gamewell Road (Trotter Drive) into the Route 495 Industrial Park in 1983
- Reconstruction of Route 109 along commercial districts
- Efforts to support and obtain a grant for sewer installation in the Route 495 Industrial Park, working with Medway Industrial Development Commission
- Providing a forum for Exelon Generation to educate businesses about the future expansion of Medway's electric generating facility
- Working to amend the Conservation By-laws that impacted the business community in 2009
- Originating Medway Pride Day in 1994
- Providing financial support to:
- Medway graduates via the MBC scholarship program
- Medway Christmas Parade
- Medway Memorial Day Parade
- Medway300
- Promoting member businesses via networking opportunities, the MBC website, and radio and print “Buy Local” marketing campaign
Volunteer Opportunities
We can always use new energy to advance the MBC's mission. If you'd like to contribute your time and talent to help grow and support our business community, please contact us.
Job postings from our members
Does your company have openings that you'd like to post on the MBC website? Just contact us with the pertinent information.