Membership Drive 2018: Network…Learn…Grow. Join Medway Business Council today!
New and Renewal Membership Drive for 2018/2019 Year is On! Join Now!
September is Medway Business Council’s annual Membership Renewal/Drive monts. MBC is looking forward to another great year of networking/learning events and creating other ways to support member businesses as well as the business community at large. We’re also looking to continue growing our #ShopMedway initiative.
Investing $95 for a memberhip is one of the best local values when it comes to business networking, promoting your business to the public, education, and support for local businesses.
Current members. Please take a moment now and complete your renewal Membership Application on our website. You can make any changes to your business listing and pay your dues online if you prefer.
Not yet a member??? We hope you’ll take the leap and join today. It’s a small investment to put your name out there in front of other members of the business community as well as the community at large via MBC ads in the Medway Millis News and online via #ShopMedway.
We’re not a Chamber of Commerce…we’re a consortium of businesses who strive to build each other up and help each other out by building relationships and sharing knowledge. Certainly, we welcome both member and nonmember businesses to our events, so you don’t have to join to participate. However, membership does have it’s privileges! Here are a few:
- Participation in group advertisting in Medway Millis News paid for by MBC
- #ShopMedway Initiative – coupon page and Facebook page
- Business Listing on our website.
- Savings on attending MBC events
- Support of our business outreach efforts to the community
Your membership also supports our two scholarships for high school Seniors who live in Medway.
If you’re not yet sure about joining and want to learn more about our group, please contact any member of the MBC Board. We’re glad to speak with you and tell you more about MBC.
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