Medway High School Financial Literacy Fair 2024–May 17th–Volunteers Needed!
The Medway High School is pleased to announce that they are running the Financial Literacy Fair again this year on Friday, May 17th from approx. 8:30 to 11:30.
The coordinators are looking for volunteers from the community to help make it the best possible experience for the students. Last year they had approximately 30 volunteers and are looking to get at least 10-12 more this year if possible. If you are able to make it or have more questions, please let Chris Borden, who coordinates this annual Fin Lit event for MHS, know! If you have co-workers, friends, neighbors, etc. that have flexible schedules and might be interested, please share with others also!
The format of the event will be similar to past years with slight tweaks based on past year’s feedback. You don’t need to be an expert for most of the stations, don’t worry. You will be interacting with students and offering them feedback on their potential choices, highlighting things they may not be thinking about for example: renting an apartment, a new v used car, etc.
For those of you who don’t know what this is all about, students research a potential job and then are assigned an entry level salary. They use a sample pay-stub to make a series of financial choices like housing, transportation, insurance, food, clothing, entertainment, and savings. They trying to balance work, life, fiscal responsibility and planning for the future. Here’s a link to a short video from 2022 showing the kids in action.
I look forward to hearing from you and hopefully working together this year. Chris Borden’s contact info is below, and his email is
Chris Borden
Social Studies Department
Scholarship Program Coordinator
Head Boys Varsity Soccer Coach
Medway High School
88 Summer Street, Medway, MA 02053
508.533.6643, x1112
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